Executive Committee

Pharmacists Council of Zimbabwe 2 Cork Road,Belgravia, Harare, Harare

Council Meeting

Pharmacists Council of Zimbabwe 2 Cork Road,Belgravia, Harare, Harare

Annual Shutdown

PCZ will be closed from the 21st of December 2022 to the 3rd of January 2023.

Disciplinary Committee

Pharmacists Council of Zimbabwe 2 Cork Road,Belgravia, Harare, Harare

Audit Committee

Pharmacists Council of Zimbabwe 2 Cork Road,Belgravia, Harare, Harare

Executive Committee

Pharmacists Council of Zimbabwe 2 Cork Road,Belgravia, Harare, Harare

Risk Management Committee

Pharmacists Council of Zimbabwe 2 Cork Road,Belgravia, Harare, Harare
Open chat
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